Columbia River Acupuncture successfully administers Acupuncture Dental Anesthesia
Acupuncture, a treatment within Chinese Medicine, has been used to treat medical conditions for over 5000 years. As part of these...
Charlie Cannon is 1st Sports Medicine Acupuncturist in Gorge!
Call us: (541) 386-8767
Columbia River Acupuncture successfully administers Acupuncture Dental Anesthesia
Acupuncture in the E.R. Abbott Northwestern Hospital is reporting success using acupuncture in its e
For Breast Cancer Survivors; Acupuncture Better Than Pills for Hot Flashes
Fascia Findings: Acupuncturist Susan Froehlich attends international congress
Society for Integrative Oncology
Acupuncture in Myanmar - Susan Froehlich, LAc volunteers abroad
Hood 2 River Relay - Acupuncture and Tuina massage help athletes recover